37536MFG #:37536
Envirocleanse-A ready-to-use cleaner, 32oz, eco-friendly and powerful.
- Non Toxic
- Safe for human consumption
- Kills wide range of infectious material, most in 2 minutes or less
- Does not require wiping off or rinsing
- Does not damage sensitive equipment
- Safe for use in food preparation areas
- Multi-Purpose Disinfectant
- EPA Registered
- Registered on EPA’s List N for Use Against SARS-CoV-2
- Organic Materials Review Institute listed
- Gentle Enough to Use Around Kids and Pets
- Safe for Use on All Hard Surfaces
- No Mixing or Diluting Required
- No Personal Protective Equipment Needed
- No Rinse Required
- Sanitizer
- Deodorizer
- Non-Corrosive and Non-Flammable
- For Residential and Commercial Use