14360-BMFG #:14360-B
- Best of Both worlds experience the therapeutic power of air along with the support and comfort of foam with Drive's new Med-Aire Edge!
- Active mattress replacement system provides both alternating pressure and low air loss to optimize pressure redistribution, shear/friction reduction, and micro-climate control
- Designed to prevent, treat and heal pressure injuries in the home or long term care setting
- Control unit offers 10 minute cycles when alternating and can also be used in static mode
- Control dial to optimize patient comfort levels by weight
- Audio and Visual alarm alerts when air pressure is low
- System includes 20 individual air cells to maximize immersion and envelopment and redistribute pressure with pillow feature for head stability and comfort.
- 8" firm foam perimeter for safe ingress and egress (getting into and out of the bed), patient transfers and power outage protection.
- 3" foam base for power outage protection
- 5" deep air cells are easily removed with quick disconnects for convenient servicing